
Here Are The Best Mexican Restaurants In The US, According To Yelp

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Our new favorite restaurant in the city!! Tavo's has a very cozy and intimate vibe. I thought this would be typical Latin/ Mexican fine dine looking at the pictures on Yelp, but the food turned out to be so much better than I expected, in fact some of the best Latin food I've had in U.S.

stuffed dough on a wooden board
— Samantha Wieder

Tavo's Signature Cuisine serves best tacos in Wisconsin, study shows

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MILWAUKEE — Everyone loves tacos and when it comes to Milwaukee, there are many places that serve up the delicious Mexican food. However, did you know Milwaukee has the best tacos in the state?

— TMJ4

The Best Taco in Every State, According to Yelp

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veggie tacos on a wooden board
— Eat this, not that! Editors